Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why You Should Play Fantasy Football for Money

You love playing fantasy football but you are not sure if you want to take the next step by playing fantasy football for money. Should you do it? Is it such a wrong thing to mix your hobby of playing fantasy football and making money because of it?

Do not feel any guilt. Fantasy football for money is as popular as fantasy football itself. There is no better way to gauge how good a player you are by winning. To win either by trophy or just having that bragging rights is an amazing feeling and if it earning a bit of cash, is it not better?

There are few people who even participate in the World Championship of Fantasy Football and can win around US $300,000!

So, what are the arguments that should be discussed when playing fantasy football for money? Here is our list:

Fantasy Football for Money #1: Playing for more than just your pride.

When you are playing fantasy football for free, what do you get when you become the champion? You get a trophy and that trophy is nice to display (or keep in the attic), we’ll give you that. Then there is a better reward--having bragging rights. Bragging rights will last you until the following season so you can trash talk your way to it. It’s a guy thing and a fun fantasy football thing to do. The term for it is “cock walk.” This happens when a champion is allowed to be obnoxious after getting the championship. He can post it on fantasy message boards, do it when drafting, or do it anywhere.  So, imagine all these pleasures double when you also get money from winning. You can buy anything and brag about that as well! Basically, playing for money is like having cake and getting to eat it as well.

Fantasy Football for Money #2: It’s for the love of the game too.

An advantage of winning money because of being a champ in fantasy football is you get to improve your game. There is no better incentive than money to make you improve. You will work harder, study more and research more NFL data because you want to win. So, playing for money can turn your laziness as a propeller to work harder and be a better fantasy football player so at the end of the day, it is a win-win situation.

Fantasy Football for Money #3: Money can also sober a player up.

There are many cases of football players who play fast and have their fantasy team lose. This is attributed to the “homer” thinking in which they stock teams with players from an NFL franchise. Then, on the spur of the moment, they cut that player when he is not performing well. When you play fantasy football for money, you can easily be forced to avoid making hasty decisions.

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